Field Trip 2

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Child inside

When I was a boy people around me used to call me the Sun. They felt happy and good when I was around. For me this was a confirmation that this was who I was: the sun, the happy boy...

6 years old I had this confirmed when I had a vision after being thrown out by my mother on an early summer morning. I was too much for her; after all I was a 6 year old, who climbed the shelves of our food store room and sang and whistled and asked questions... Just a kid as a kid has to be to find out about this world and life and these strange adults who were supposed to guide and stimulate me; which they didn't. So I became a lonely kid, not wanting anyone too close to me. This situation went on throughout my life. I had just a few friends. I picked them out because they were odd ones, not fitting in, lonesome and longing like me...

Still, people around me liked me and respected me, but I could not understand that it could be so; because I did not feel good, I was angry all the time... I saw most people as stupid

This summer morning I had this revelation: a light came down to me and told me that I wasn't alone - ever. I was a part of all which meant I technically could not be lonely. Flowers were shining at me; telling me the same, elves were dancing in purple auras around all the shining weed around me; all telling me the same: you are never alone...

Some story that was!!

For many years he stayed lonely; because that was still the situation for him; it was hard to get away from this, because he didn't know what love and caring was about. He had to behave like he had learned; if he wanted to be taken care of and loved, he had to be good...

Today the little boy has a conversation going on with his adult companion who has merged with him, but he is still sad when he thinks of all the damage he has suffered. He is still trying to forgive his ignorant parents and he is till talking nicely about them, but deep inside he is raging. This is a strong emotion he has found to be liberating, because there is nothing that is bad or good; it's all coming from the same source; the manifestation of our true being

Anyone who dares looking into it will find the same answer: we are all one and what I do to myself I do to others, because we all belong to the same organism: "the one". We are all "the one"! Imagine what implication this revelation can lead to! We can all see the light that the little boy in me saw. In fact; if we open up for this we all know that it's right. It's all about ourselves. Then; who is god?

So; take care of your prescious self!

I am writing a book about this. Not an action book or detective novel, but a true story about a true little boy and his adult companion: both in the same body. I am presenting it here on Blogger.

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