Field Trip 2

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fieldtrip 2 II

Chapter 1

Oh where have you been my blue eyed son?
Oh where have you been my darling young one?
I've stumbled on the sides of twelve misty mountains
I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways
I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I've been ten thousand times in the mouth of a graveyard

Ref.: And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's
a hard rain's - a gonna fall
Bob Dylan

I have found my place, my chair and my platia.

It's the first morning and the first page of a diary which is the
basis for the novel about L.J. and me...

Our companionship was shaped , without me, as an adult knowing or
realizing that it had happened the way it did. It took me 38 years to
understand the significance of the event that was going to be the main
reason for my choice of life and my independence as a grown up man and
the event was purely mine and that was the best side of it; as I never
wanted any interference into my life or my way of living ...


"My mom was angry with me. I was playing around, singing, whistling,
asking questions and behaving as an inquisitive and energetic 6 year
old boy should. but my mom
was getting tired of me, I guess and finally told me with the words
coming out from her back, that I should hit the road; in other words:
get out of her way.

I didn't want to. First of all because it was very early in the
morning and no other kids were out yet. I wouldn't have anyine to play

That was partly an excuse, because I didn't play too much with the
others, just a few chosen ones. I thought kids and especially boys
were stupid in their ways, as if they didn't understand what life was
about. They were acting like fools in whatever they did - which only
made me feel lonely...

Finally my mom; with her convincing anger and her rejecting back made me leave.

It was late May or early June; the sun was shining; actually it was
nice to be outside at this hour. I enjoyed the silence and the clear
summer air. No noicing children to disturb me. I always wanted to be
the first one out of bed and into the streets, to see the bright new
day taking shape.

My brother had left for school. I went around the corner of our block
to see if I could see the back of him in the street on his way to his
day of labor. He didn't like it much. He had decided early in his life
that he wasn't made for reading and writing and especially not for
mathematics. He was going to be an apprentice within typography. He
actually became a printer of the local newspaper and was very happy
about it...
I couldn't understand his view of the school. I was really looking
forward to start the coming autumn.
I turned back around the corner again and went down the little slope
shaped as a giant staircase, due to its past history as a soccer
field. Now there were no seats left and the grass was growing freely
all around the field that we used as a playground for all kinds of
activities that kids love. It was a very special treat for kids to
have this open space in between the blocks. There were trees
surrounding the field and grass and flowers growing on the slopes
where people had been sitting watching football matches between the
local teams.

So, I went down the grassy path and strolled along the walls of what
once had been a barn of a farm on the outskirts of town. Now, just
after the 2nd world war it had become a store house for paper, mostly
newspapers, for recirculation purposes.

At the short end of it there was a small area where shrubs, grass and
all kinds of weed grew. Now it was spotted with dandelions, shining
brightly in the fresh morning air.

I turned the corner and sat down with my back against the wall. In
front of me, on the other side of the street was a big soap factory,
which always smelled good, but sometimes a little too much. On the
street ahead of me there were already many vehicles with all kinds of
cargo being pulled by horses on open sleighs. There were few cars
after the war; the free sale of cars wouldn't start before 1960, 15
years after the war ended.

Watching all this I became dizzy and entered into a state of meditaton
and sat glaring at nothing. Suddenly a ball the size of a soccer ball
came floating down in front of me and stopped, hanging in the air just
1,5 meter in front of me; leveling with my eyes. I couldn't help from
focusing on it. I didn't feel any fear, just amusement. It started
shining more end more brightly as I watched it. The light was strong
and very bright now, but my eyes didn't hurt. I had a very good
sensation of the event in my whole body; I felt happy as if some kind
of information or altered reality was taking place. The light started
"talking" to me; very softly and filled with passion and love. It told
me that I was never alone in this world even when I felt lonely, which
I often did. It went on telling me that noone was ever alone, we all
belonged to each other as one entity.

Then all the dandelions around me started shining and told me that
they were also suns like the shining ball in front of us and they were
always with me too, we were eternally connected.

Now the weed and the grass started emitting light around them, covered
in a purple aura with small, floating beings moving around inside. All
the plants around me was shining in a symphony of light; very

I sat there for a while, in a way contemplating what had happened. I
couldn't catch the deeper significance ofit all, but I had really
enjoyed it; I think I felt good."

visit also:

Charles Ekram Esteban Danzai-Roenning

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