Field Trip 2

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Field Trip 2 III

Field Trip 2 III

Chapter 2

Oh what did you see my blue eyed son?
Oh what did you see my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a bleeding
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children


"People are afraid , very much afraid of those who know themselves.
They have a certain power, a certain aura and a certain magnetism, a
charisma that can take out alive, young people from the traditional

the enlightened man cannot be enslaved - that is the difficulty - and
he cannot be imprisoned... Every genius who has known something of the
inner is bound to to be a little difficult to be absorbed; he is going
to be an upsetting force. The masses don't want to be disturbed, even
though they may be in misery; they are in misery; but they are
accustomed to the misery. and anybody who is not miserable looks like
a stranger.

The enlightened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not
seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community,
no society and no nation.

Osho: "The Zen Manifesto; freedom from oneself"", chapter 9

I read these words from my old master and it makes me realize ;"Yes,
that's how it is!"

A few of my own observations in this field can be summoned up in a
couple of short sentences; Humans are caught in a web of rituals and
the influence of other Humans' fear.
This leaves us with a feeling of loneliness; we don't belong here. We
are brought up to copy each other in fear of doing something wrong or
foolish and be disregarded and not taken for the best kind of

We are able to see further and go further, but if we dare doing it, we
will have to calculate with distrust, envy and prejudice...

In this case; if you don't live up to other people's expactations, you
will be discarded very quickly as you have proved to be as small as
them, as they see it and they cannot stand to confront that image of
They will have to go looking for another hero that can make them
shine; and I am happy to let them go!

C.G. Jung once said in a summary of his psychological experiences that
loneliness is not about not having any friends or people close to you,
but about not being takenseriously when we express our thoughts and
ideas of the world when these thoughts and ideas are not in line with
the main stream understanding at the time...

In fact; this is the attitude that I, L.J. have been carrying with me
and tried to convey to Hilmar, but he has needed his own maturing
process to cope with the view of the world and life that I have
adapted to, but he's getting it all the time whether he wants to or

Hilmar is talking about me, but I am not quite sure that he
understands how much I can be for him.

I agree with him in many of the thoughts he has about life, this world
and how to live in it. He still cannot take in how much I want to be
with him and how much I love him; in fact I have nothing but love for

In this way I provide him with his love for life and adventures. I
think he would be a more conventional man without me...

He"s become very sincere the last 20 years. He sees himself as a fully
grown up man, but forgets that he closes off so many vibrant parts of
himself. He possesses some kind of wisdom, but sometimes he is just
plain stupid, as I see it.

I am the one who is still carrying the light from which he pulls power
too. What he has to realize is that he is not preserving it and he
turns away from the significance of it.

He has done a lot of self developing work throughout a period of 20
years. He has been meditating and practising yoga and all kinds of
physical and meditative exercises.
He has lived an adventurous life and travelled a lot, seen a lot of
both good and bad, but he forgets about me and becomes impatient with
me. He says I shouldn't be so sensitive.

In such situatitions he feels that it's convenient for him to turn to
me. He doesn't realize that he is the one being sensitive, but such a
feeling shouldn't belong to an adult...
He wants to protect me, but he makes himself more vulnerable by such
actions; laying himself open when he doesn't have to.

I think he is going to change now, because he has taken steps to throw
away his control, because he feels caught up in it and that's
something he hates. He is not a hopeless case, so to speak

I am looking forward to see him loosen up and let go of his worrying

He knows better about everything

Today, many years after my first experience with visions which of
course was the most significant of them all; I have had some others
and similar ones throughout my long periods of meditation and self
developing work, but the first one was L.J.'s completely. The little
boy carried it with him for many years and was unconsciously shaped by
it and thus given appropriate guidance in how to handle his life and
this world.

I din't recognize him too much before I started my inner journey
myself. Now he has the rightful place with me and I believe we will
merge together as one in the very near future

Things are falling into place, understanding revealed every day and
every night - mostly in my dreams, but I have developed a sense of
noticing when something of significance pops up in my every day life

And I, finally becoming an adult, thank the little boy for being so
brave to listen to his inner, little voice; without doubt, but with
fear - all the way. Fear plays a great part in this drama; in all of
our dramas...

visit also:

Charles Ekram Esteban Danzai-Roenning

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