Field Trip 2

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Field Trip 2 IV

L.J. never gets tired or falls into the trap of despair; that's for me
to do as the adult. because I meet the ugly and the beautiful and the
multi faceted metaphors of this world as something that expresses
something far larger than it seems. The implication of this reminds
me of some bigger play going on around me that I cannot quite clearly
, but just sense. As I am focused on my own spiritual growth and the
time I am living in; my body, my mind and this whole world.
As an adult just turned 60 I realize that I feel more and more lost in
this world. I think many people of my age are becoming more aware of

Little L.J. was given his initiation so early that it made a heavy
impact on him; a gift that he managed to preserve within him and
convey to the grown up man. It's up to me then, to take this in as
what it is: a chance to look beyond the everyday pulsating life of

If I carry fear with me, I have the opportunity to become brave,
because I have to or else I may go insane.

In his book: "The Atman Project", Ken Wilber describes this situation
by referring to something he calls "Cooper's Life Circle" with birth
and upbringing to "normality", where most people become "arrested".
Some collapse into insanity.
A small minority manage to stay their ground and reach the level of true sanity.

As I haven't fallen into "Cooper's Life Circle" traps I understand
that this is how the world also appears to be and that it is up to me
to first realize it and then integrate it. The next step will be for
me to live up to these standards and don't them cut me down or turn me
into a tragic and narcissistic character; playing at the level of my
own ego only...

I very early started to realize that fear was a helper; and that it
had a face and an appearance as a sub personality and I could start
communicating with it and as the fear was revealed it lost its power,
like Trolls do when the sun shines on them; and I could befriend it
and understand it and so it was able to let go on its grip on me; and
even better: I would have learned a lot from it...
The first notion of it tells us that something adequate has to be
done. Not to push it away, because that's impossible, but to ask it
what is going on and if it needed help...

Another aspect of fear is other people's fear. Very often I am told
that I shouldn't do this or that, because people dear doing it
themselves, due to upbringing, cautiousness, fear and the urge for the
mediocre need for safety and order in their lives according to

Others may be offended by my behavior and way of living and take on
the maternal approach to it and start lecturing me about the rights
and wrongs in life.
I still hear the central line: "you mustn't do this!" or "this is not
the way we do things around here!"

Talking out of fear as they do. There has to be a lot of aggression
involved in this kind of behavior. Aggression holds power and
outshines fear; for a while, but the face of it is manifested

I read some lines from Goethe once; which said that to develop and
explore new worlds and growth within yourself and your life, "you have
to begin it now!"
When you take the first step out of your door, crossing your
threshold, you will soon realize that there are so many opportunities
out there, that you never could have imagined if you had stayed inside
your safe mansion. There are virtually millions of scenarios opening
for you, but you have to begin it now..."

Like Bilbo did in the excellent novel "The Hobbit" by Tolkien
also view:
Charles Ekram Esteban Danzai-Roenning

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