Field Trip 2

Sunday, July 12, 2009


No fieldtrip this time, or that's what it actually is...

"Life rules, I am in charge..."

I have been wondering all my life about religions and their purpose. For me it's like someone is telling me that what I believe to be the truth is wrong and that I have no right to enter into the realms of this theme as it is owned by priests, monks, imams, bishops, rabbis and sometimes even countries. All the inhabitants of the United States of America for instance live in God's own country! Imagine; they are all the people of God! Did anyone ask God if this was ok?

The question comes to me; who is inventing these terms or should I say slogans? Who in their right minds can stand up and say, and mean it, when they proclaim such ludicrous statements?
What about the native Americans, who had a totally different view of this issue? They were deprived of their believes, their land , their tradition and chased into reservations. Gods own people did this with their self ordained God in their hands (which was also full of guns)...

The Islamic terrorist groups that are terrorising the world around them have the latest years taken a similar stand; in the way that they state that others, non believers ( they do believe, but in another God) have no right to live or think as they do.
If this is so, I could use the same right and say that others are totally wrong, but I cannot do that because my thoughts and ideas have been made by me. If everyone in our world could do that, we wouldn't have a need for religions and priests and monks and imams and rabbis; they could just go home and make love with their wives or loved ones in stead; that would be the end of religions.

"Imagine all the people living life in peace.." as John Lennon sang it once, but he was killed of course.

I say that my belief system is perfectly all right for me, but I don't need any followers to back me up on that, it's my private business to find out how this world is working and what lies beyond it... I will rephrase that statement and say that anyone can and are able to find out about it, if only all the religious authorities could leave us alone and regard us as intelligent creatures; then we could start to believe in ourselves.
All the followers of all the religions are like armies, talking for the powers of men running their lucrative business of religion and thus making life a misery for many, many people...

Buddhism, Christianity, Islamism, Judaism, Hinduism; they are all just manifestations of some people's urge for power and domination. When we look back at the history of religions and their followers we see rivers of blood, death, torture, deprivation, corruption all in the names of the rules of the upstairs departments of various kinds.
Do we really need this to go on? Of course not. We are getting more and more education which enables us to see all the humbug and monkey business going on in the name of some God invented by men. Not even the Gods have been asked if they're ok with this situation...

How can Catholics say that "thou shalt not use condoms?" - and what infantiles let them self be run by this, without trying to see within themselves what this is about.

Religions thrive on people's fear; for death mainly, for the unknown. And they walk about in their lives letting these socalled authorities dictate them what is right or wrong.

The world is this world as it is, people die, people get killed, children and women are molested and raped and tortured every day for being someone who do not believe in the words of these scandrels who take away people's private and, as I see it, sacred feelings and thoughts.

Get them out of here! We don't need them. With all religions gone, this would be a much better world to live in; and there would be much fewer catholics around!

Stand up and think for your self! You are entitled to do so and noone can tell you otherwise! Noone!

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us

Imagine all the people
sharing all the world...

John Lennon

Have a nice day all

1 comment:

  1. "what I believe to be the truth is wrong" - risking the posting of a related link:

    The Truth Is Wrong . com
    (take out the spaces, of-course)

    -- Bud
